Last night we saw the Northern Lights, right from our own backyard.
Yesterday we knew they were coming — that the chances were supposed to be good — but we were both too tired to plan a viewing, opting instead to go to sleep early.
Instead I stayed up in distraction and wound up running inside to get her, yelling HONEZ WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!!!! YOU HAVE TO COME SEE THIS!!!

And she did; she came quickly.
We lay under the weird sky in the wet grass, in the middle of where we live. In the lawn I suggested here that we mow diligently now with our new(er) mower, but am now begging my wife NOT to mow (at least not until the clover blooms and the bees have at it and the baby bunny who needs it all to hide in grows a little bit bigger and stronger). Delia tries to make me understand leaving the grass long will make it go to seed and turn brown, but I am fixated on the clover and dandelions.
I gasped and WOWed loudly at the display over our heads, interrupted at intervals by little black bats. Coyotes and owls. And racoon wondering what we were doing out there.

I have never seen anything like it. And neither has she even though she’s seen it for real a number of times in a place where bigger displays of aurora are normal.

Delia said she’s never seen so much red in the Northern Lights before / when viewing in the Great Lakes region.
Living in Washington state my whole life, I have almost never seen any of it at all … until last night.
Should stay up and outside to see what happens tonight?