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We don’t put up a “Christmas” tree every year, but we really enjoy it the times that we do.

Similarly, I love getting ONE geranium to put in this one tall green pot. Every year that we can. One *bright* (preferably NEON ORANGE) plant nestled in by the tall grass, providing a pop of color and contrast.

I went to the store and got it. And Delia lovingly planted it for me.

I can’t give you an exact number measuring how happy this one plant — these balls of color — make me feel, but it is a very very big long number with exclamation points and bursting heart emojis.

Every time I look out the back door in spring >> summer >> fall, to be shocked by this one spot of bright color, it is like it brings me back to life. All of my vision focuses on this NEON HEAT in the middle of green and brown and blue and grey. It jolts me out of my head. Electroshock color therapy snapping me all the way out of my complicated pointless ruminations.