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Today marks the 1 year “anniversary” of putting our sites into a sort of coma.

Not planned that way. Not intentionally induced.

I’ve been agonizing over it today, trying to think of the perfect way to address the sleepy elephant in the room and talk about why it’s still that way.

I have not come up with the “perfect” statement, and it is now time for Delia to come home from another twelve-hour shift at her new civilian job.

So I put the perfect statement on hold, and cleaned up our sleeping alcove. Sweeping, tidying, dusting … refreshing the bedding and developing a welcome-home lighting concept. Because I want her to feel like she’s in sanctuary when she gets off work. Because I want her to know she is treasured and deserves to be embraced by beauty and comfort when she’s at home and not working.

And keeping running our sites the way we were was not doing that. So I have to do something better.