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I think my wife really wants to go to this free music event. It’s so close we can hear it. Not hear it enough to be part of it, but just enough to BECKON, along with the perfect cool end-of-summer night breeze.

I am such a hermit I don’t want to go anywhere or be around anyone, but I feel like maybe I should summon up the energy for this. It might be one of those cases where I shouldn’t need to ask her if she REALLY wants to go, or make her insist upon it. I should just know that’s what she wants, and want her to have it, and do whatever I can to make it so. Especially when it’s as easy as something like this could possibly be, and outside. Like … no realistic opposition can be raised except for my unwillingness to summon and expend the energy.

And okay … she does sound kind of on the fence. But that might just be because she thinks/knows I do not want to go to *anything*.