March 31st
Delia had a hard time getting it to stay running at first and kept having to restart it. But she powered through it.

I’ll never forget this one time I posted free pics of Delia naked in the backyard in the summer in the middle of a our overgrown grass, and someone commented about how lazy we were because our lawn wasn’t mowed.
The tall grass added a voyeuristic quality to the scene, and made it clear how warm the season’s sun must have been on her bare skin. To me, the photos were dreamy and evocative. Even more so if someone perceived the tall grass and weeds as “lazy” women languishing in our own private unkempt property of decadence.
The truth, though, is that our lawnmower was broken and we couldn’t afford to replace it. It had been “fixed” a number of unsuccessful times, so we’d given up for the time being.

This was years ago, but this one dude’s stupid criticism added a lot of weight to the CONS side of making indie porn.
It shouldn’t matter to me; I loved the aesthetic of it, and the autobiographical documentation of a certain time in our lives when we didn’t have a functional lawnwmower (pretty much a crime in the United States of America, having an unmowed yard). The pictures were hot, and fit squarely in our niches of outdoor nudity, voyeurism, and candid lifestyle porn.

On the other hand, fielding (<<<<pun) these types of insulting remarks without making enough money to pay ourselves properly takes a toll that over the years has been harder and harder to ignore. The “MOW YOUR LAWN!!!“ response is a perfect example representing another niche I subconsciously chose to specialize in: the fetishizing of America’s Puritanical work ethic – something I’ve slowly began to realize and force myself to acknowledge that we can no longer afford to maintain.
As I grapple with making all of these transitions to business models and specialties that are more sustainable as we age, we can lovingly offer images like these: doing the housework and yard work that are apparently foundational to some people’s abilities to view as us respectable humans before they have the capacity to pop a boner over our under-appreciated nude bodies.
Also I just really love photos of the season, and of women doing housework and yardwork. Especially when the woman is my wife, who very few people deserve to see naked for free, let alone criticize.