Delia and I finally started watching one of these “TV” shows folks have been addicted to and talking about for years now. We’re loving it, and I totally want to blog about it but …
With our sites in limbo (or something worse than limbo) and having little to nothing in the way of pornographic “product” to brighten up fans’ days, I’ve been reluctant to post or share much about anything recreational or pleasurable or “lazy” we do.
I’ve been thinking of making a separate page or area on here for sharing and geeking out on pop culture and time-off stuff that we enjoy. Probably free, but possibly password-protected.
We’re enjoying this new-to-us program SO MUCH, I totally want to spaz out about it! But with the way there are so many more-important things to talk about at this point in history, and more pressing things people want from us, I want to be sort of selective about how much and what kinds of unnecessary data I throw out into the world . Especially if it could just make people resent us like, “if they’ve got all this time on their hands, they should make us more PORN!” or “wow these people don’t even care that their whole country is being dismantled by incompetent amoral grifters and putting the entire world in jeopardy while they’re at it – they’re just laying bed watching TV and eating like there’s no tomorrow!” Because that’s kind of what I’d be thinking.