Things did not go as planned today.
A really awesome big gift we received ended up costing us over a thousand dollars. Still a super awesome gift, though … we just were not prepared / hadn’t anticipated it. Then our healthy evening plan was completely derailed with a time-consuming and crazy administrative fiasco.
The good news is we both felt like salvaging it by taking a spontaneous walk to enjoy Christmas lights. Atmospheric river and all.

Delia’s feet got soaked in puddles.
You’d think a whole crowd would be out oohing and aahing* in front of this display but nope: only the two of us. And that makes me feel even more grateful. Not just that we were out alone wandering the streets at night without seeing another human soul (just little mama dear and her baby buck), but that I am married to someone who wants to do these things that so few people want to do.
We could see in so many of their windows, their big TV shows on. Probably all with dry warm feet, but no good pictures of magic lights in the dark, less than two weeks from solstice.
*my phone wanted this to say “oozing and aching” instead of oohing and aahing, and that is a pretty story I’d like to read.