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Walking Uphill

Walking Uphill

Delia hiking up hillside stairs, surrounded by spring green on summer solstice. Feels like we’ve been swimming upstream. For a long, LONG time. Today forcing ourselves to walk uphill — outside, on solstice — was a necessary...
Early Spring Morning

Early Spring Morning

Just turned fifty. Getting up in the 5 o’clock hour on Saturday morning and taking a walk just after sunrise seems appropriate (and super fucking awesome) for us at this age: magical, giddy fun. It’s hard to describe the youthful invigorated surreal energy...
Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

Standing outside together in the early morning winter still-darkness, staring up at the stars in a moonless sky. The ladle-down big dipper framed by backyard trees. Blue heron. Kingfisher. Red-breasted Merganser. Delia knows all of their names. Deer, crows and...