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Spontaneous Cold Walk

Spontaneous Cold Walk

The way she comes with me on walks even when too cold and unprepared when we only planned on going to the mailbox. Mount Baker & Purple Martin bird boxes Do not harass the Blue Heron, Mount Baker, or anyone else on the Strait of Juan de Fuca (not captured by...
Welcome Home Walk

Welcome Home Walk

One of the first things she wanted and made us do together after her return home was take a walk. Somehow the whole time she was gone I didn’t take any walks (that I can remember, anyway, and certainly nothing long; oh yeah I forced myself to walk around the...
Fast Foot Ferry

Fast Foot Ferry

Bite of October “Salish Sea” Seattle-life crossing Puget Sound: We’ve still not ridden the big wheel. But a couple behind us on the ferry complained about it (HER: every goddamn city has one now! HIM: I blame the Brits!) You can’t blame the...
She Runs For It

She Runs For It

Even after all we’ve learned from air disaster documentaries about the dangers of continuation bias, and all the tragic train videos we’ve watched, Delia still ran across the tracks as the gates were coming down. Of course I followed her, screaming and...
Walking Uphill

Walking Uphill

Delia hiking up hillside stairs, surrounded by spring green on summer solstice. Feels like we’ve been swimming upstream. For a long, LONG time. Today forcing ourselves to walk uphill — outside, on solstice — was a necessary...