Bad for Biz Pics

Bad for Biz Pics

Four candid pics from our walk today that would be bad for business to post full size: We made a deal that if I left my phone at home, Delia would allow me three shots using hers. I tend to compulsively stop and try to capture waaaay more than that wherever we go, so...
Chock Full Of “It”

Chock Full Of “It”

We are having a sort-of normal people’s Saturday, like a real weekend-start with some of her new-job pressure alleviated and our car lined up for fixing and stuff. Delia capturing video of the crazy hail this morning. Brunch scram she made us that we ate in bed....
Need New Batteries

Need New Batteries

Delia has a new job. And we have a new old car. Everything is always a gamble. All of the check engine lights came on this week. Waking up so so early these mornings. The cold the wind the snow the hail. The power outages. The batteries dying. The risk of not making...
Cold Beach, Hot Tacos

Cold Beach, Hot Tacos

There’s something extra-wonderful about getting tacos for takout in winter. First walking around one of your favorite places to walk around while you’re waiting, even though it’s cold, wet and windy. Then feeling so lucky you’re holding all...
Last Two of 2023

Last Two of 2023

Last two walks on the last two days of the year 2023: So eerily dark and gloomy in the early afternoon. It would be hard to tell what time it is if not for breaks appearing in the grey in the distance. I love that she initiated both of these...