by Trixie | Jun 7, 2023 | gratitude, LOVE, Nature, Photography, prayer, Spirituality
Sharing the joy of spotting the most beautiful thing in our patience tree this morning with my wife … … and having her stand on her tiptoes and peer carefully down into it, reassuring me that what I was seeing was just feathers, and nothing to be sad...
by Trixie | Apr 15, 2023 | LOVE, Music, Spirituality
Even when we’re apart …
by Trixie | Apr 8, 2023 | gratitude, Home, Humor, LOVE
Coming home after four days away and hearing her laugh. The best sound in the world. Even when she’s laughing at classic Seinfeld episodes and not me.
by Trixie | Mar 18, 2023 | Candid, gratitude, Nature, Photography, Walks
Just turned fifty. Getting up in the 5 o’clock hour on Saturday morning and taking a walk just after sunrise seems appropriate (and super fucking awesome) for us at this age: magical, giddy fun. It’s hard to describe the youthful invigorated surreal energy...
by Trixie | Jan 5, 2023 | gratitude, Photography
Squeeeee!!! Super duper excited by this surprise Delia ordered especially for me from Sweetwater: Benro 3XS Lite Smartphone Gimbal Stabilizer – three axis handheld gimbal I was not expecting that, though somehow I now realize I’ve been putting GIMBAL into...
by Trixie | Jan 3, 2023 | gratitude, Health, Lifestyle, Nature, Walks
We’ve taken a walk together two out of three days in 2023. Christmas tree ornament in foreground, Delia walking in back Two out of three is not bad. Not bad at all.