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Walking Uphill

Walking Uphill

Delia hiking up hillside stairs, surrounded by spring green on summer solstice. Feels like we’ve been swimming upstream. For a long, LONG time. Today forcing ourselves to walk uphill — outside, on solstice — was a necessary...
Just Feathers

Just Feathers

Sharing the joy of spotting the most beautiful thing in our patience tree this morning with my wife … … and having her stand on her tiptoes and peer carefully down into it, reassuring me that what I was seeing was just feathers, and nothing to be sad...
Pop of Color

Pop of Color

We don’t put up a “Christmas” tree every year, but we really enjoy it the times that we do. Similarly, I love getting ONE geranium to put in this one tall green pot. Every year that we can. One *bright* (preferably NEON ORANGE) plant nestled in by...