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Orange-Red, Blue & White

Orange-Red, Blue & White

I’m not sure what the official flame-y colors on Delia’s Rickenbacker are called (maybe Fireglo?) and I don’t want to run in and ask because then she might catch on that I’m posting these pics and protest (omg I’m such a bad exploitative...

I think she wants …

I think my wife really wants to go to this free music event. It’s so close we can hear it. Not hear it enough to be part of it, but just enough to BECKON, along with the perfect cool end-of-summer night breeze. I am such a hermit I don’t want to go...
Quick Hello during Heat Wave

Quick Hello during Heat Wave

Just a quick post with some hot magic movements: Delia’s fingers on her bass, her natural curls holding up pretty impressively even with the humidity … box fan spinning in the background. Delia playing her Fender Jazz Bass So much I want to say! But...
Ray Charles on Ice

Ray Charles on Ice

I love spending time at Delia’s parents house. I don’t think they are quite as fond as having me around as a guest, but that doesn’t stop me from savoring the time we spend there. It is like taking a vacation in a very “appropriate” (and low-thrills) Young Adult novel...