by Trixie | Feb 16, 2024 | Compatibility, Homemaking & Housekeeping, Humor, LOVE
When I saw the “NEW CLEAN SCENT” and I harumphed and complained to her over it, and she pretended to be irritated by it too, and said Oh come on! We want that OLD DIRTY SCENT!!! I love her joking around and teasing me.
by Trixie | Feb 15, 2024 | Food, Gifts, Home, Homemaking & Housekeeping, LOVE
The way the bed is made, with this on the pillow: She had to help me with my zipper when I got home.
by Trixie | Feb 3, 2024 | Compatibility, Health, LOVE, Nature
I love being able to text my wife poop pics and she replies “congratulations!” with party confetti celebration emojis. It’s not just the event, either. Marriage means KNOWING (and giving a shit) when your mate is suffering from constipation or any kind of...
by Trixie | Jan 12, 2024 | Gifts, gratitude, Lifestyle, LOVE, Travel
Today my wife bought me two nights in a nice room for a once-in-a-lifetime event/trip before they sold out and left me stranded. I am very excited, and not writing more about it now because the best way I can pay her back is to relax and watch a movie with her to...
by Trixie | Jan 8, 2024 | Compatibility, Lifestyle
The way my wife gets just as excited as I do when we find a whole channel devoted to my favorite kind of disaster programming. And the way she insists on rewinding it to the beginning of the episode. Whether we’ve already seen this one or not. Having a special...
by Trixie | Dec 25, 2023 | Age & Generation, Candid, prayer, Wishlist
Wishing everyone a joyful holiday season full of love, safety, hope and acceptance just as you are. In good company with Santa as older folks with poor vision.