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It’s Been a Year

Today marks the 1 year “anniversary” of putting our sites into a sort of coma. Not planned that way. Not intentionally induced. I’ve been agonizing over it today, trying to think of the perfect way to address the sleepy elephant in the room and talk...


When I asked Delia “do you know what fordite is?” She said, “Uhhh yeah … … threedite, fordite, fivedite … I know them all!” Fordite is a now-rare byproduct of the automotive industry composed of fine layers of auto paint.The...
Need New Batteries

Need New Batteries

Delia has a new job. And we have a new old car. Everything is always a gamble. All of the check engine lights came on this week. Waking up so so early these mornings. The cold the wind the snow the hail. The power outages. The batteries dying. The risk of not making...