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Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

Standing outside together in the early morning winter still-darkness, staring up at the stars in a moonless sky. The ladle-down big dipper framed by backyard trees. Blue heron. Kingfisher. Red-breasted Merganser. Delia knows all of their names. Deer, crows and...

After-Shower Scents

Lately I’ve really been enjoying catching whiffs of my wife’s post-shower wake when she’s prepping for camming on Normally I really don’t like the scent of lady-perfumes and stuff, or at least I’m really picky about it and...

Non-Alcoholic New Year’s

On this first day of a new year, I woke up grateful. Grateful I am not sick or hung over today. So glad drinking is not part of our lives. Glad to wake up fresh, not poisoned. I’m always glad Delia and I don’t much do what the majority of people in this...