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Fast Foot Ferry

Fast Foot Ferry

Bite of October “Salish Sea” Seattle-life crossing Puget Sound: We’ve still not ridden the big wheel. But a couple behind us on the ferry complained about it (HER: every goddamn city has one now! HIM: I blame the Brits!) You can’t blame the...
Puttin’ On the Puns

Puttin’ On the Puns

A few days ago Delia and I were playing with words, batting nonsense back and forth while I was doing dishes. I said something about “putting them all away” (the dishes, sung to the tune of Throwing It All Away by Genesis) Delia said “putting THE...
‘Tis the Season

‘Tis the Season

Finally got some rain. The weather is soft and quiet and the air is nourishing. Squirrel throws fir cones at my head. Instead of going to local PRIDE events today, we tooled around and did one of my favorite things; we ate in the car. Delia got her favorite: pulled...