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I love being able to text my wife poop pics and she replies “congratulations!” with party confetti celebration emojis. It’s not just the event, either. Marriage means KNOWING (and giving a shit) when your mate is suffering from constipation or any kind of...
Ultracool Posterior

Ultracool Posterior

When Delia pouted that she wanted ME to drive as we prepared to head out the door, I was surprised. But I thought it was cute, and made me feel like a Big Daddy. I had no suspicion at all. Even when I saw the box in the back seat: We’re old so I barely noticed...
Farm Stand Fresh

Farm Stand Fresh

The spicy alive early-summer smell of fresh salad greens and carrots that Delia brought home from the farmstand and put together for us to eat: Marry someone who knows and values good real wholesome flavorful produce. And puts flowers in your mouth and salad. BE...