by Trixie | Nov 23, 2023 | Age & Generation, gratitude, Humor, Memories
While Delia was at home visiting family in the Midwest, her parents brought out some stuff from her childhood: football cards, mementos, and school art she made as a kid. Like this macabre Thanksgiving scene: I laughed so hard. There is something about her as a child...
by Trixie | Nov 22, 2023 | Family, Travel
Stopped for coffee on the long drive home, sitting together in the dark. On the way home from my mom’s after celebrating a special Thanksgiving with her. Exactly one year after she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
by Trixie | Nov 19, 2023 | Gifts, Health, LOVE
When Delia pouted that she wanted ME to drive as we prepared to head out the door, I was surprised. But I thought it was cute, and made me feel like a Big Daddy. I had no suspicion at all. Even when I saw the box in the back seat: We’re old so I barely noticed...
by Trixie | Nov 16, 2023 | Candid, Fantasies, Lifestyle, Wishlist
Tonight makes five days straight going to the gym. Delia on her knees wiping down her sticky-mat We both have anxiety and self-consciousness about going to the gym. I can’t say that we wouldn’t go at all if it were not for going with each other, but it...
by Trixie | Nov 14, 2023 | Lifestyle, Nature, Photography, Walks
The way she comes with me on walks even when too cold and unprepared when we only planned on going to the mailbox. Mount Baker & Purple Martin bird boxes Do not harass the Blue Heron, Mount Baker, or anyone else on the Strait of Juan de Fuca (not captured by...