by Trixie | May 17, 2023 | Gifts, Homemaking & Housekeeping, Nature
We don’t put up a “Christmas” tree every year, but we really enjoy it the times that we do. Similarly, I love getting ONE geranium to put in this one tall green pot. Every year that we can. One *bright* (preferably NEON ORANGE) plant nestled in by...
by Trixie | May 14, 2023 | Candid, Dress Up, LOVE
After a rough week & bad morning (for me), my heart was tenderized & spirit restored by this sweet, quiet, & knowing thing Delia did: You’d have to know me & be my wife to understand just by looking at this image… She knew it would put a...
by Trixie | May 10, 2023 | Candid, LOVE, Memories
A picture of my wife’s hair in the moonlight. Delia’s naturally-curly hair lit by the moon Is it even visible to you? I don’t know. But combined with love and my own memory of this night, this photo is enough to change the temperature of air on my...
by Trixie | Apr 25, 2023 | Candid, Nature, Walks
Gathering butterfly by way of her phone today on a walk she made us take
by Trixie | Apr 19, 2023 | Fantasies, Money, Relationships
We just started watching Ramit Sethi’s HOW TO GET RICH (on Netflix). I love the focus on envisioning & clarifying what you’d spend money (or time) on if you were “rich”, and unpacking (and discarding) the guilt and fear we have about even...