by Trixie | Sep 29, 2023 | Age & Generation, Candid, Compatibility, Humor, Music
This neighborhood cat from waaayyyy too many blocks away has been showing up at our house the past few weeks. When I asked Delia if she was ever going to pet her, Delia just said “I’m not down with O.P.P.” Delia saying hi to other people’s...
by Trixie | Sep 27, 2023 | Age & Generation, Compatibility, Humor, Lifestyle
I told you how we agree on True Crime. I told you how we do NOT agree on relaxing to “pops” on our screen. Now let me tell you about a very niche film genre Delia and I occasionally delight in that may be EVEN MORE DIVISIVE in adult relationships than true crime:...
by Trixie | Sep 22, 2023 | Homemaking & Housekeeping, Music
I was so tired when I got home last night I failed to notice all the other homecoming treats Delia prepared, like putting up Halloween decorations: Paired with her homemade chili, these skeletons remind me of a song they taught us to sing in elementary school that I...
by Trixie | Sep 21, 2023 | Candid, Food, Gifts, gratitude, LOVE, Relationships
After a long hard day when you come home to this … well … you know you’re damn motherfucking lucky ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
by Trixie | Sep 15, 2023 | Compatibility, Conflict
Focusing on so many things Delia and I do agree on — most of our television viewing preferences, for example — might make it sound like everything is perfect and we never disagree on anything. Like all humans, we do, of course, have disagreements sometimes. Like there...